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  1. You must have a Moneris Gateway Merchant Account

Setup Guide

Step 1

Inside the Moneris Gateway merchant account, you need to obtain an API Token. Go to My Account and click on the ADMIN. Then click on Store Settings and click on the button to generate an API Token.

Merchant Resource Center select Admin

Merchant Resource Center select Store Settings

Merchant Resource Center Generate API Token

Step 2

Go to your Magento root directory and paste the Moneris payment extension package (zip file) over there. Extract the zip files in parallel to “app” folder. The required folders will get merged and you will see “Monerispay” folder under “app/code/Ced”.

Step 3

Now run the following upgrade command in “cmd”:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Step 3

Now, login to your Magento admin panel and go to Store→Configuration→Sales→Payment Methods. Under Ced Moneris tab, Enable the moneris payment method and fill the required credentials. If all the details are filled properly, you will see Moneris Payment Method on frontend.

Choose Moneris as gateway